George Subraj (L) and others pose for a group photo
The second Zara Realty Holding-sponsored blood drive, held on Saturday, April 14, at the company’s headquarters, 166-07 Hillside Avenue, yielded several units of blood from management, staff, residents of the apartment rental business and members of the public.
Executive Vice-President of Zara, Ken Subraj, who also took the opportunity to donate, said that Zara has always been mindful of its responsibilities to the community: “We regard this blood drive as an important moral vehicle to assist persons in times of dire need,” he said.
“People need help in all sorts of circumstances, not the least when they are hospitalized. Sometimes it is a life and death situation. And it is the urgency with which blood is needed, either for transfusion or a surgical process that makes it necessary for the authorities to always have sufficient amount in supply,” explains Ken.
“By donating you are literally preparing the medical personnel for any potential life-threatening scenario. This is what sharing the gift of life is all about – assisting someone in a dark hour, which because of their circumstances, cannot help themselves. And I am being told that each unit can save as many as three lives,” Ken said.
The National Blood Drive Campaign organized by HMEC (Hindu Mandir Executive Conference), an initiative of World Hindu Council of America, in memory of the victims of 9/11, was again conducted by The New York Hospital Queens, Blood Donor Service. Director of the national campaign Dr. Rahul M. Jindal interacted and offered educational tips to the many donors.
Mr. Ken Subraj also received a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of Zara, from The N.Y. Hospital Blood Donor Center for continuing to demonstrate leadership and sustaining the community’s awareness of the importance of blood donation.
Jorge L. Quiles, one of the hospital’s Blood Donor Program personnel said: “The donated blood act as a form of medicine. And we are always in need of blood. Surgery, accident, transfusion, persons with stab wounds may sometimes all need varying amounts of blood, which when readily available, improves their chances of survival. That is why it is so important for us to have adequate amount in our blood bank. Also all blood types are welcome. There is a greater demand for the ‘O negative’ and ‘O positive’, etc, but all types are required,” said Quiles.
“All it takes is a few minutes to compile the donor’s information then a few checks are done – blood pressure, temperature, etc – after which with barely a pinch, the blood is drawn. We have seen persons who express the normal fear of needles, and after they are done realize how painless it was. They are actually smiling after donating and some are regretful that they did not give before. Importantly, the whole process only takes a few minutes,” reports Jorge.
George Subraj, President of the large rental conglomerate expressed satisfaction with the success of the second such blood drive in as many months: “Zara Realty Holding takes its civic responsibilities seriously. By donating blood, one is providing hope for others, who may be in a life and death situation. So Zara is ever vigilant of positive ways to contribute to our society’s well being. Today, by collaborating with Dr. Rahul M. Jindal and The New York Hospital Queens, persons who are not even part of Zara’s family are coming forward and donating to the blood bank of our district’s medical facilities.
“I am very happy with the response but as usual we are hoping that in our subsequent drive even more persons will come forward. As you know this is not only a painless process but one can actually donate every two months. So I am appealing to everyone – from 18 and beyond – let us do something that can contribute to the welfare of another in critical times. And sometimes you can never tell, that person could even be a friend or an acquaintance,” said George, who along with his brothers Ken Subraj and Jay Sobhraj, make continuous and very generous donation to the spiritual, medical and educational development of the borough and beyond.
The next Blood Drive is at the America Sevashram Sangha, June 24, between 11am-3pm.
Persons wishing to donate can also visit the Blood Donor Room of the New York Hospital Queens, Main Street.
The New York Hospital Queens Blood Donor Centre also took the opportunity to express their sincere thanks to Zara Realty Holding for hosting such a donation drive. The hospital says that it is actually the first time a private apartment complex business is hosting such an event.
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